Friday, May 8, 2020

Environmental Awareness - 2432 Words

ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS â€Å"The Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.† – Mahatma Gandhi. The ‘Environment’ is a term used to represent an entire systems, geology, and climate. An Environment can be any scale, including global, regional, local, and even down to single locations, and things like buildings. Often the phrase ‘the environment’ is used to denote the global environment, or a larger regional environment. On a more human level, the environment, the air, water, temperature, and biology of a certain extent of a place are what sustain us, and define the limits of what we can do to a certain extent. Prior to the industrial revolution, the†¦show more content†¦Taking a holistic approach to saving the earth, many of todays modern day conservationists focus on everything from pollution and energy usage to ecological health and peaceful coexistence with the animal kingdom. In other words, the same ideals are being shared by what is commonly deemed the ecology movement, green movement, peace movement and environmental movement. Its no co incidence that one of the most famous groups working in the name of these ideals calls themselves Green Peace. Water conservation can be defined as (a) any beneficial reduction in water loss, use or waste as well as the preservation of water quality, (b) a reduction in water use accomplished by implementation of water conservation or water efficiency measures or, (c) improved water management practices that reduce or enhance the beneficial use of water. A water conservation measure is an action, behavioural change, device, technology, or improved design or process implemented to reduce water loss, waste, or use. Water efficiency is a tool of water conservation. That results in more efficient water use and thus reduces water demand. The value and cost-effectiveness of a water efficiency measure must be evaluated in relation to its effects on the use and cost of other natural resources (e.g. Energy or chemicals). Water can be conserved in a lot of ways and most of us are aware of those means. It is our duty to actually implement those in our daily life.Show MoreRelatedPublic Environmental Aware ness and Education1615 Words   |  7 PagesPublic Environmental Awareness and Education Action can be taken in a variety of areas to increase environmental awareness and education. Some of these categories are: environmental legal rights and responsibilities and associated consequences, use of the media, awareness raising campaigns, incorporation of environmental issues in mainstream education, increasing awareness and education in target groups and encouragement of public participation in environmental matters. 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